Gross Domestic Regional Bruto of Lhokseumawe Municipality by Expenditure 2017 - 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lhokseumawe Municipality

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Gross Domestic Regional Bruto of Lhokseumawe Municipality by Expenditure 2017 - 2021

Catalog Number : 9302021.1174
Publication Number : 11740.2203
ISSN/ISBN : 2528-4851
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : April 28, 2022
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 6.04 MB


The publiaction of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) by expenditures of Lhokseumawe
2017-2021 is a yearly publication that was published by BPS. As a continious series from previous
year of the same publication, this book provides a study of macro-economy development in
Lhokseumawe in the last five years period (2017-2021).The GRDP data served in this publication and
in future years was established using the basic year of 2010, and also have applied the concept of
System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA 2008) as have been recommended by the United Nations
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